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voice over

How to Make career as audio book voice over artist in India

A successful voiceover artist in India provides his voice to some of the most popular animated films, movies, and television programs. They also help to bridge a language gap with the creators and audience. A skilled voice over artist is usually required when the native language needed for a particular character is otherwise too dissimilar from the main actor’s.

A skilled voice artist in India will be capable of creating characters who speak with conviction and a high level of emotion. The ability to understand and interpret the need of the story and its character is very important to any voice over artists. This is why they should have great communication skills as well as be able to listen carefully and accurately to what the viewers are saying. This is the basis of communication between the creator and the customer.

One of the skills that is required by voice over artists in India is the ability to understand the language being spoken. The more the native speaker can grasp what is being said, the more accurately the story will be told. If the story cannot be understood properly, it becomes difficult to convey its message to the audience effectively.

Another skill that a good voice over artist in India needs to have is the ability to convey information to the audience in a clear and concise way. They need to be able to understand what the audience wants to hear, so they can translate the words in a clear manner. This is what makes their interpretation of the script meaningful and effective. If they cannot translate a script in a clear manner, they may lose the audience’s interest. This is not to say that all voice over artists in India cannot understand each other’s script, but they need to be … Read more

Voice Over Market Place in India

If you are wondering what it takes to start a voice-over career because it seems to be an exciting job, with big bucks and tons of fame to come, you are in the right place,

as I will walk you through the most common questions every voice-over artist has at the beginning of their career.

voice over microphone

At what age you can start working as a voice-over artist?

You can start your voice over career from as young as 5 years old, being your parents responsible for the contracts the child obtains; on your own at 14 years old and has no maximum age limit, as the variety of voices and styles are what makes this particular industry so unique.

Does voice-over need special training?

No formal education is required to start as a voice-over artist but it is a highly competitive industry, you should focus on attending to workshops, voice training schools, join institutes and recording studios that will teach you how to be a successful voice-over artist. With perseverance, you will master your skill and earn enough experience to push your career to the top.

Is voice-over like reading from a paper?

No, a voice-over artist develops a deeper bond with the message through their voice. Take notice that exists a different type of content that evokes emotions from us, such feelings need to be heard by your audience to truly connect with the information, which is the principal job of the voice-over artist, read the script while using the voice to call those emotional states.

A voice-over artist brings depth and connection by helping communicate precisely and clear as listeners can understand and hear the intentions of the message, building intimacy with the audience.

Can you work as a voice-over artist as a full-time job?

In reality, the world

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3 Simple Tips to promote yourself as a voiceover actor


If you want to get noticed in the global voice over business ,the very first thing you have to work on is -The quality of your voice-over samples, Now how to do this?

Create 1 1-minute voiceover demo reel using your past work then add a little background music and process in mp3 file format and then share it on Soundcloud, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking websites or other online music portals like Voices. com,bodalgo. voice realm,voice-bunny etc

The purpose is to spread your name so that voice-over agencies and voice coordinators get connected to you, Please don’t forget to mention your contact details and also put your name on your demo mp3 files For example if your name is Akshay Kumar then name your voice samples as    “akshaykumar_english voiceover samples.mp3”

Register  your website

The purpose of getting your website is to mark your presence in the professional voiceover talent pool.It’s an awesome tool for the voice-over talent to promote himself/herself and helps in connecting big companies and voice-over agencies to reach out to you directly. however, it takes time to get indexed in the Google search engine.

Target your region to market your voiceover samples


If you living in Mumbai and want to promote your voice in another part of the world or cities you should record your voice samples and start promoting it by targeting keyword that points to the other cities and countries, How will you do that? Simple!

Find Local search engines in the city where you want to market your voiceover profile, many local search … Read more